The Portland Haiku Dispensary is a Little Free Library-like book repository specializing in haiku.

Feel free to take a book and leave a book, as you please.

We also print cards containing some of our favorite poems, which link to more information about the poet and publication. Please help yourself.


4/24/2024After some new screws and a bit of super glue, the library is reattached and back in action.

4/17/2024Yesterday, someone backed their car into the library, breaking the sign and door and damaging the foundation. I'll repair it when I can. Until then, please be careful with it! Especially when opening and closing the door. Thanks.

3/23/2024Good news! We have a fresh infusion of books, thanks to Jim at The Haiku Foundation, and a beautiful sign, thanks to Dan at Poetry Pottery.

2/29/2024Sadly, someone stole almost all of our books. Apologies. We'll restock soon.

The Portland Haiku Dispensary was built by Richard Mavis and his dad. We're just hoping to help spread the love for haiku and add some joy to Portland's sidewalks.

Estd. 2/29/2024

deep woods
the half hour of sun
the little pine gets

By Michael Ketchek

Find it in Rusty Backstop